Playr Resident Evil 5 Special Premiers This Weekend

Fans of great games will be glad to know we’ve produced a half-hour special dedicated to Capcom’s soon to be released fright-fest Resident Evil 5.

Although Rezzie 5 is an evolution not a revolution from Rezzie 4, it’s still likely to be one of the highlights of 2009, boasting new co-op play, online modes and vehicle sections. We’ve played it a lot and can confirm the hype is justified.

The programme will features never-before seen levels, walkthroughs as well as interviews with the production team and Capcom staff…and it’ll end with Playr’s very own specially created Resident Evil 5 trailer, which we’re quite proud of.

In the UK, catch it 11.00am Sunday 1st March on Bravo.

For those who can’t wait, we’ve got a short excerpt for you here.

9 Responses to Playr Resident Evil 5 Special Premiers This Weekend

  1. Stu says:

    My Sky+ EPG says Worlds Strongest Man is on at 11 this Sunday!!

  2. Rod says:

    Will you guys upload it to youtube so non-UK fans can see it?


  3. al says:

    looking at sky+ its saying the ateam at 11 am on sunday..any idea whats going on?

  4. Garfy says:

    No sign of any Playr on any listings that I can find, not Sky ,Bravo’s website or my Tivo (yes I was one of the 6 people who bought one in 2001)

  5. Stu says:

    It shows up now on my Sky+ guide, already set to record.

    Fear not guys, it’s there.

  6. AlbertWesker says:

    When will the video online?

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